Submissions successfully closed for the Fabrique Awards
1.300 submissions from 70 nationalities for 5 sections
The submissions of the international Festival Fabrique Du Cinèma Awards are closed and now the countdown starts for the event of 15th December in Rome

The Fabrique Awards received a lot of registrations: from America to China, from Mozambico to Lithuania, from Egypt to Indonesia, so all the filmmakers from around the world will have the opportunity to show their works. The sections are: feature film, short film, screenplays/subject, documentary and web serie.
The Jury will award the “best” work. The President of Jury will be the famous actor, Willem Defoe. At his side, the italian actors Valentina Lodovini and Vinicio Marchioni, the producer Alessandro Usai, the american producer Christian Halsey Solomon, the directors Fabio Guaglione e Fabio Resinaro and the manager of an Italian Institution to promote short films around the world (Centro Nazionale del Cortometraggio), Jacopo Chessa.
The Jury for the sections in competition is obligated to award:
Best Foreign Feature Film
Best Italian Innovative and Experimental Feature Film
Best Italian Debut Feature Film
The award for the Best Italian Actress
The award for the Best Italian Actor
Best Music Theme from an Italian composer
Best Foreign Short Film
Best Italian Short Film
Best International Director
Best Intenrational Web serie
There are also “special awards”. Under the Milky Way, the international company dedicated to digital film distribution, will award the Best International Documentary and the winner will be distributed on iTunes, Amazon and Google.
Prem1ere Film will award the Best Short Film Screenplay with a contract for the production and distribution of film. The 5 nominated projects for the category “Screenplay/Subject” will automatically win the " Award": 1 year free subscription to the platform.
We find out the winners and more else at 15th December and all the filmmakers are invited to take part in this great festival of cinema!