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Days #fabriqueducinema in Venice

You know, Venice is always full of surprises and anticipations! And Fabrique du Cinéma has lived full days at the 74th International Film Festival.

Just a few meters from the Palace of Cinema, there is Casa Fabrique, an amazing house that has hosted, and continues to hosted, the protagonists of the new Italian cinema. Lots of names visited us: Miriam Candurro, Donatella Finocchiaro, Valentina Lodovini, Alessio Lapice, Andrea Pallaoro, Greta Scarano and many others.

We saw and appreciated several film ("Il contagio" by Andrea Segre, Matteo Botrugno & Daniele Coluccini, "L'ordine delle cose" by Andrea Segre), we launched the contest #tweetyourscript, we participated in many debates on the future of cinema, such as the round table at Hotel Excelsior where the central theme was the relationship between "Festival and Territory, and Local Empowerment" ... and last but not least, our satisfaction was to present the new number of Fabrique du Cinéma (Number 19) with interviews with emerging artists and news on the seventh art.

Also Fabrique du Cinéma Awards, which will be celebrated in Rome on December 15th, is present in this number. Focus on the jury: you can read the interview of the directors Fabio & Fabio on the importance of genres and experimentation of digital cinema.

Remember that you can still apply: the last deadline is October 23, 2017!

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